Kodi a été récemment mis à jour en version 18.4 avec des variantes disponibles pour tous les différents systèmes d’exploitation Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi et d’autres encore. Désormais, les utilisateurs d’iPhone et iPad peuvent également profiter du lecteur multimédia libre en tant que tweak via le repo de BigBoss.
Ultimamente han presentado problemas en algunos usuarios con la versión 16.1 Jarvis de Kodi, la cual tiene cierres inesperados, por ese motivo hemos adjuntado también la versión 17 Krypton beta en caso de intentar con esta versión, al parecer funciona mucho mejor. Como Instalar Kodi en iPhone, iPad … Kodi 17.6 iPad. How to Install Kodi 17.6 on iOS (No Jailbreak) June 1, 2020 June 22, 2017 by Aidan. We all know the struggles of trying to install Kodi 17.6 on iOS devices such as iPhones, iPads, iPods etc. It is usually very hard to do without jailbreaking your device or usually costs money using private apps which can end up costing quite a lot of money. Luckily, there is now a super easy How to Install Kodi 17 on iPhone or iPad on iOS 10 – iOS 10.2 Posted by Ali Hassan Mahdi on Mar 14, 2017 in Hacks , How To , Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks Kodi, formerly known as XBMC, is a media player app that that acts as a hub for storing and accessing various kinds of content such as TV shows, movies, songs, pictures and can also stream content over the internet. 25/05/2020
If you're interested in running Kodi on your iPhone or iPad, then we have a guide for you that explains precisely how to do it without the need to jailbreak your device. Kodi opens up a world of
La dernière version en date apparaît rapidement tout en bas de l’écran. Dans cet exemple, il s’agit de la version Kodi 17.6. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à choisir le lien Install et à patienter quelques secondes. Installer Kodi sur iPhone et iPad : faire confiance à « Dongfeng Motor Finance Company Limited » Download the Kodi 17 Krypton IPA file onto your phone and have it ready. O pen the AltStore app on your device and go to the My Apps tab. Press the ‘ + ‘ icon in the top left corner. A list all the IPA files available on your device will be displayed; tap on the IPA file which you had downloaded earlier. Comment installer Kodi 17 ‘Krypton’ Sur Les Idevices Sans jailbreak. Étape 1 : Télécharger l’application Kodi 17.ipa – Télécharger Kodi 17 ipa. Étape 2 : Télécharger Cydia Impactor : Télécharger Pour Windows Étape 3 : Connectez votre appareil iPhone ou iPad Ou ipod à un ordinateur à l’aide d’un câble Usb
2017年5月26日 人気メディアプレーヤーKodiの最新バージョン「Kodi 17.3 Krypton」がリリースされまし た。これは、5 iOS 10で動作するiPhone、iPad、あるいはiPod touchの非脱獄のiOS デバイスで、この最新のメディアプレーヤー「Kodi 17.3 Krypton」を
If you are wanting to get Kodi 17.6 Krypton installed on an Android smartphone, tablet, or set-top box, or you have an iPhone or iPad that you typically use for your Kodi installations, then you can grab the relevant updated APK and IPA files for Kodi 17.6 Final from here.